Our commitment

Quality, environment and safety

Our company can now be counted among the small number of companies that can boast of the attainment of all three certifications, namely the UNI EN ISO 9001 related to quality, the UNI EN ISO 14001 relating to environmental protection and the UNI ISO 45001 relating to the occupational health and safety, and accident prevention management system.

The achievement of this objective provides evidence of an overall organizational model that, by meeting all the standards chosen as a reference, guarantees the total quality of powder coatings, the strict respect for the environment, maximum protection of the health and safety of our employees, as well as an efficient accident prevention system. 

The prestigious award attained strengthens us in the resoluteness to commit ourselves to continuous improvement through which we aim at increasing the value and improving the image of our company.

Quality Safety and Environment Policy - Download

Model 231 - Download

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